Search Engine Optimization

Simplicity offers you lots of options to optimize your content for search engines like Google.

  • meta_title:
  • meta_description:
  • permalink:
  • sitemap.xml
  • Simplicity’s HTML-Code uses data

Optimize Your Articles

Simplicity uses title: Your Post Title by default for generating the <title>. You can overwrite the title with:


To taylor fit a description for Google & Co. use…


…otherwise Simplicity will use the excerpt or the first paragraph of your content.

The last important SEO-setting is the URL. By default Simplicity uses permalink: /:categories/:title/ but of course you can change the settings in _config.yml or overwrite the URL in front matter with…


Optimize Your Site

And while we discuss search engine optimization: Submit your site to Google Webmaster Tools/Search Console and Bing and enter the your Google Site Verification ID in _config.yml.


And last but not least, submit your sitemap.xml to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Written by Moritz »mo.« Sauer //